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A program that listens on a named pipe for requests, converts parameters from key=value pairs into a dynamic array and calls a subroutine to actually create some HTML. Phew! Is it really worth it?
sunset /info[[/DEVEL/BP]].DEV> cat CGI.MASTER *************************************************************************** * Program: CGI.MASTER * Author : Ian [[McGowan]] * Date : 01/06/1997 * Edited : 16:57:35 Aug 03 2000 By MGC * Comment: Klugy web <> unidata interface *************************************************************************** * 04/29/1998 IAN Added code to check for already running phantom * 04/23/1998 IAN Modified to use named pipes, instead of polling * 11/08/1998 IAN Modified to use consistent delimeter (LF) * @AM seperates records in the input * @VM seperates fields in a record ACC=FIELD(@SENTENCE,' ',2) IF ACC = '' THEN PRINT 'MUST SPECIFY AN ACCOUNT!' ; STOP END * Check to see if we're already running in this account MY.PID=@USERNO OSREAD OLD.PID FROM "/samba_share/web/":ACC THEN PRINT "Checking to see if process alive: ":OLD.PID: EXECUTE \!ps -ef | awk '{print $2}' | grep \:OLD.PID CAPTURING OUTPUT IF OUTPUT # "" THEN PRINT 'Phantom is already running as PID ':OLD.PID PRINT 'Use stopcgi ':ACC:' to stop it' PRINT 'and startcgi ':ACC:' to start it' STOP END PRINT " Not!" END PRINT "CGI.MASTER started as PID:":MY.PID PRINT TIMEDATE() OSWRITE MY.PID ON "/samba_share/web/":ACC INPUT.FILE="/samba_share/web/in/":ACC:"/in_from_perl" OPEN "VOC" TO VOC ELSE STOP 201, "VOC" LOOP OSREAD REQUEST FROM INPUT.FILE ON ERROR REQUEST='' ELSE REQUEST="" IF REQUEST = '' THEN * Slow it down if out of control PRINT 'NULL REQUEST - ':TIMEDATE() SLEEP 1 END ELSE GOSUB PROCESS.REQUEST END REPEAT STOP PROCESS.REQUEST: * The calling program sends us the location to put the output file OUTPUT.FILE=REQUEST<1> OUTPUT='CGI.MASTER: Internal CGI error' COMMAND='' KEY.REC='' ; VALUE.REC='' I=DCOUNT(REQUEST,@AM) FOR F=2 TO I L=REQUEST<F> KEY=FIELD(L,'=',1) VALUE=FIELD(L,'=',2,999) BEGIN CASE CASE KEY='command' COMMAND=VALUE CASE 1 KEY.REC<-1>=KEY VALUE.REC<-1>=VALUE END CASE NEXT F IF COMMAND = '' THEN OUTPUT='CGI.MASTER: No command received' END ELSE READV DUMMY FROM VOC, COMMAND, 1 THEN * Verify that subroutine exists IF DUMMY='C' THEN * This next line means we will run the new version of any recompiled subs * adding a small amount of overhead to each call... EXECUTE \NEWPCODE\ CALL @COMMAND(VALUE.REC,KEY.REC,OUTPUT) END ELSE OUTPUT='CGI.MASTER: ':COMMAND:" is a VOC item, not a subroutine" END END ELSE OUTPUT='CGI.MASTER: ':COMMAND:" is not a cataloged subroutine" END END OSWRITE OUTPUT ON OUTPUT.FILE RETURN