From Pickwiki
I'm not sure this is even a good idea but this page will contain a list of videos that are available for the MV market. There are enough in the market to warrant a collection of references. On one hand this is just a bunch of advertising. On the other I think it will be a welcome resource. Add comments to Discussion section below if you feel strongly about the topic.
- InterSystems
- <a href="">Testimonial</a> for "Why Every MV Shop Should Consider Caché"
- mv.NET
- <a href="">Guide to Installation and Configuration</a>
- Web Services
- Single <a href="">vid</a> of .NET client/server with two examples. mv.NET used but any connectivity easily substituted.
- TG: please add links or point me to repositories so that I can add them. I know InterSystems has a ton of vids and they'll probably get their own sub-page to avoid cluttering this one. Do other DBMS providers? TigerLogic has vids somewhere for their <a href="">YoLink</a> (formerly Chunkit) product but I'm not sure that belongs here. What about vids from Spectrum or other conferences, user groups, or product presentations? Should we add PowerPoint presentations here too?