From Pickwiki
Glue script to take a sql stmt and pass back data via named pipe
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # 11/07/2001 Ian Add write output to debug file, move open pipe into loop use POSIX; use DBI; use DBD::Oracle; use strict; $ENV{[[ORACLE_BASE]]}="/info/app/oracle"; $ENV{[[ORACLE_HOME]]}="/info/app/oracle/product/8.1.5"; $ENV{[[NLS_LANG]]}="american_america.[[WE8ISO8859P1]]"; $ENV{[[ORA_NLS33]]}="/info/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/ocommon/nls/admin/data"; my $fld_delim = chr(253); my $crlf_delim = chr(252); my $debug = 1; my $data; my $dbh; my $i; my $infile; my $j; my $outfile; my $pidfile; my $rc; my $req; my $sid; my $statement; my $sth; my $table; $sid=$ARGV[0]; if ($sid eq "") { print "Usage: /usr/local/bin/udora_sync.pl <sid>\n"; exit (1); } $infile = "/samba_share/oracle/$sid/in"; $pidfile = "/samba_share/oracle/$sid/pid"; open (PID, ">$pidfile") or die "Cannot open $pidfile for writing: $!\n"; print PID $$; close (PID); my $USER="scott"; my $PASS="tiger"; if( !( $dbh = DBI->connect($sid,$USER,$PASS, 'Oracle') ) ) { die "Cannot connect database\n$DBI::errstr"; } # This is needed for those long sql returns... $dbh->{[[LongReadLen]]}=4094; open(INF, "<$infile") or bug ("Cannot open $infile: $!\n"); while(1) { # Read the request as 1 line. Note: if the request if > 512 bytes # and multiple processes are writing the pipe there is potential # for "scrambling" requests that are received at the same time $req=<INF>; next unless defined $req; bug ("request=$req"); chomp($req); # Break the request into two pieces file-name__sql-request if ($req =~ /(.*)__(.*)/) { $outfile=$1; $statement=$2; next unless defined $statement; open(OUTF, ">$outfile") or bug ("Cannot open $outfile\n"); process(); close(OUTF); } else { bug ("Malformed request: $req\n"); } } sub process { if( !( $sth = $dbh->prepare("$statement") ) ) { output("0\nCannot prepare statement\n$DBI::errstr\n"); return; } if ($statement =~ /select/i) { # Select statements return rows $rc=$sth->execute; if( ! $rc ) { output("0\nCannot process statement\n$DBI::errstr\n"); return; } my $names = $sth->{NAME}; $table = $sth->fetchall_arrayref; if( $#{$table} < 0 ) { output("0\nNo rows returned:$#{$table}\n"); return; } # Output number of rows output($#{$table}+1); output("\n"); for ($i=0 ; $i <= $#$names ; $i++) { output($names->[$i]); if ($i != $#$names) {output($fld_delim);} } output("\n"); for $i ( 0 .. $#{$table} ) { for $j ( 0 .. $#{$table->[$i]} ) { $data = $table->[$i][$j]; $data =~ s/\r\n/$crlf_delim/g; output($data); if ($j != $#{$table->[$i]}) {output($fld_delim);} } if ($i != $#{$table}) {output("\n");} } } else { # It's an update or insert statement $rc=$dbh->do($statement); if ($rc eq "0E0") { output("0\n0 rows updated\n"); return; } else { output("$rc\n$rc rows updated\n"); $dbh->commit; } } $sth->finish; } sub output { my ($string) = @_; print OUTF $string; #bug ($string."\n"); } sub bug { my ($msg) = @_; if ($debug) { print localtime() . ":" . $sid . ":" . $msg; } }