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This program allows you to compile and run basic code from the command line.
You can enter the code on the command line or just enter the command and let it prompt for multi-line input.
It writes an item TRIAL to a file called BP, and then compiles and runs it.
If you want a different file or item name, you will have to amend the source code.
PROGRAM TRY * ECL - KRJ - Run command line or multiple input lines as a program FOLDER = 'BP' ITEMID = 'TRIAL' THIS = @SENTENCE POSN = INDEX(UPCASE(THIS),'TRY',1) THIS = THIS[POSN+4,99999] OPEN FOLDER TO THAT ELSE CRT 'Cannot open file ':FOLDER CRT 'Edit the program and change the file name to suit' STOP END IF TRIM(THIS) = '' THEN THIS = '' CRT 'Enter lines of code or press <Enter> for help' LOOP INPUT LINE UNTIL LINE = '' DO THIS<-1> = LINE REPEAT END IF TRIM(THIS) = '' THEN CRT 'Utility to run program ccode from TCL[[/ECL]]' CRT CRT 'Syntax:' CRT ' TRY {BASIC COMMANDS}' CRT CRT 'Example:' CRT ' TRY CRT SYSTEM(3)' CRT CRT 'If you just enter TRY, then you can enter multiple lines' CRT 'which will be compiled and run when you enter a blank line' STOP END WRITE THIS ON THAT, ITEMID EXECUTE 'BASIC ':FOLDER:' ':ITEMID EXECUTE 'RUN ':FOLDER:' ':ITEMID