From Pickwiki
A perl script that listens for remote connections, and feeds them thru a named pipe to CGI.MASTER
sunset /root/perl> cat #!/usr/local/bin/perl use IO::Socket; # Delimiter to seperate rows is @AM $rec_delim=chr(254); # Delimiter to seperate fields is @VM $fld_delim=chr(253); # Start listening on socket 1999 $server = IO::Socket::INET->new([[LocalPort]] => 1999, Type => [[SOCK_STREAM]], Reuse => 1, Listen => 10 ) or die "Couldn't be a server on 1999: $!\n"; open (LOG, ">cgi.log") or die "Cannot open cgi.log: $!\n"; # Turn off buffering on the log filehandle my $oldfh = select LOG; $| = 1; select $oldfh; log_msg("Listening on port 1999"); # Keep accepting connections, forever while ( $client = $server->accept() ) { $acc=<$client>; chomp($acc); if ($acc ne "TRINITY" && $acc ne "SFSI") { print $client "<H1>Internal cgi error - must specify an account!</H1>\n"; log_msg("Internal cgi error - must specify an account!"); next; } # Use process id for temp file $rr = $$; # This is the named pipe that the basic program is monitoring $infile = "/samba_share/web/in/$acc/in_from_perl"; open(INFO, ">$infile") or die "Cannot open $infile: $!\n"; # Make the named pipe to read from, later $outfile = "/samba_share/web/out/$acc/$rr"; if (system('mknod', $outfile, 'p')) { die "mknod $outfile failed: $!\n"; } chmod 0777, $outfile; # First, tell CGI.MASTER the place to write its output - the named pipe # we just created. as soon as we send everything, we'll wait for some # output from the named pipe print INFO $outfile,$rec_delim; while(<$client>) { chomp; if (/^EOF$/) { last; } # Send the data thru the named pipe to CGI.MASTER log_msg($_); print INFO $_,$rec_delim; } close(INFO) or die "Cannot close $infile: $!\n"; # This next line will block until something is sent to the named pipe open(OUTF, "<$outfile") or die "Cannot open $outfile: $!\n"; # Ok, now we've got some data, send it back thru the pipe, to the web server # will pass on to the browser... oh, the tangled webs we weave! while (<OUTF>) { # We undo the messing around with field delims on the way back s/$rec_delim/\n/og; s/$fld_delim/\n/og; # Send the html back thru the net connection print $client $_; } # Finally, get rid of the temporary named pipe unlink($outfile) or die "Cannot unlink $outfile:$!\n"; # Shutdown this network connection shutdown($client,2); } sub log_msg { my ($msg) = @_; print LOG scalar localtime, " $msg\n"; }