I'm Tony Gravagno - Not only is MV my business but it's one of my hobbies, so when I'm not selling software and services to make a living, I'm often in some MV online Community for fun (tough for some people to figure out which is which), or banging out code to connect MV applications to some external environment.
It's my belief that markets prosper through community and lively exchanges of information and insight. So I've joined Ian, Rex, and others on a personal quest to continually improve this site as a resource for all Pick/MV developers and end-users.
My efforts here include:
- making the site less U2-centric and more MV-generic
- including references to many other sites
- good for all of us for improved search-engine ranking
- helps to aggregate information from all of the disconnected websites out there with interesting content
- trying to make information easier to find through organization and cross-linking
- trying to draw more people to contribute and make use of the resource
I tend to mention specific companies and products a lot because I happen to be familiar with a wide variety of community offerings and how they can be used to solve various problems. I'll leave it for people to discuss elsewhere how well any given offering does the job. Often I'll open the door for mention of other offerings simply by mentioning the few that I know - it's an invitation, not an exclusion. What's important is that people find all available options when they come to an information repository like this. Please feel free to modify my notes if anything starts to look like an ad - that's not my intent.
Please don't hesitate to contact me about errors or omissions. I have no political agendas, and being as human as anyone I'm subject to occasional errors or simply lack of time to research topics more in-depth to provide more information. If you don't have my email address, you can reach me from our website Contact page. I'll be happy to respond to any questions, criticisms, or suggestions - and hey, it's a wiki - you can add or change whatever you want here. :)