From Pickwiki
program SBProcessSearch * A very simple string search utility for an SB+ process file. * stuart boydell - january 2006 * eg * >RUN UTILS SBProcessSearch XXPROCESS SBOPEN * will search for the expression SBOPEN and print * out a list of occurences in the file. searchFile = field(@sentence,' ',4) searchTerm = field(@sentence,' ',5) if searchTerm = '' then stop open searchFile to f else stop data searchTerm,'' execute 'SEARCH ':searchFile capturing cap loop while readnext id do readv p from f,id,6 then x = 1 loop while findstr searchTerm in p,x setting a,v do crt id"l#30" : x"r#3 ": v"r#3 ": p<a,v> x += 1 repeat end repeat clearselect end