From Pickwiki
No warranty either express or implied, blah blah, on the source code here. By posting code you are implicitly giving others permission to modify the code.
A very good basic manual of PICK/BASIC can be found at: Jonathan E. Sisk's "Pick/BASIC: A Programmer's Guide": January, 2000 WWW Edition
General Notes
- General format HintsAndTips
- Put
around code sections to turn off wiki formatting for that section
* Watch out for trailing "\" at the end of a line - even within a
block it appears to smush lines togetherSections
* BasicSource for Pick basic programs * UniQuerySource for UniQuery tips and tricks * ProcSource, hopefully this is largely for historical interest now! * ExternalSource for C programs (or other languages) that interface with an MV database, or may be interesting to a pick programmer. * JavaSource for Java and JSP source code that interacts with a MV database * PerlSource for Perl source code (or links to same) that interacts with a MV database * XmlSource for programs in any language that use XML to communicate with a MV database * AspSource for programs that use ASP to communicate with a MV database * EmacsLisp source that interacts with MV database (see also Basic Source programs EM and UV.EM)Links to other sites with source code
* (nifty windows editor, with syntax highlighting) * (Steve Romanow) * (FOSS4MV) * (Gordon Reynolds)