This utility will search a file, or multiple files, for the occurance of one or more strings.
If you load this program and run it you can execute with a " ?" after it to get help (e.g. BFIND ?). This outputs a list of options and usage notes like:
This utility will find a string of characters within any record in the file specified. You will be prompted to enter a string to search for. You can edit the items directly or select the items into a select-list. If an '*' is used instead of 'FileName' then all files are searched, or if there is an ActiveList the selected items are searched.
BFIND FileName{[*]} {(options} (same syntax with a SelectList)
* options: A - c[A]se does matter in the search C - set the [C]ol# to start the match on (enter numeric) F - display only the [F]irst match then goto next item I - only look for matching [I]temId's S - [S]uppress the display of the matching lines T - [T]rim each item of redundant spaces before comparing X - search for a he[X]adecimal character(s)
Example: SSELECT VOC = "[BP]"
xx ITEMS SELECTED : BFIND * (S Enter a string to search for: ON ACCPAY
Unless the '(S' option is used matching lines will be displayed with the search-string lined up starting in column 15 of the displayed output. Once the search process completes you'll be asked:
EDIT item(s) selected (#/Yes/No/LineEditor/Quit) ?
You should answer with the line# you wish to edit, [Y] to edit all items that match, [L] to edit all matching items with the Line-Editor, or [Q] to quit processing. If you edit the items they are edited one at a time and you have the option to stop editing items any time. The next question is:
Do you wish to ACTIVATE this list (Y/N) ?
This allows you to activate a select-list of the matching items. This will search all files with a 'BP' in it's name looking for the string 'ON ACCPAY'. This is a general search for any program that writes to the ACCPAY file!
Note: if the 's' option is used, the 'f' option is overridden! Also, if the
'i' option is used, all other options are negated!
I use it all the time to search program files, UV files, O/S files, etc.
! ** Find item/s with string 'X' BASIC utility ** (C) Copyright 1985-2007, Advantos Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ! ** Last Modified: 23 Oct 2006, wph ** First Created: 01 Jan 1987, wph ** Program Type-: Utility ! ** Notes: ** This utility will select a list of items within a file that ** contain at least one of the specified search strings. ** ** If '*' is used instead of a [[FileName]] then all files are searched, ** or if a select list is active, those files in the select file are ** searched. ** ** If no edit then return select list for further processing ** ** If a SELECTLIST is available when this program is executed then ** it is assumed that the select list contains the file names you ** want to search. ** ** There are 2 q-pointers needed in the voc/md of the account you're ** running this utility in: ** 1) VOC or MD ** 2) SAVEDLISTS (_SAVEDLISTS_, &SAVEDLISTS&, POINTER-FILE) ** ** **-------------------------------------------------------------------** ** ** ** I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N ** ** ** **-------------------------------------------------------------------** * ** Initialize program variables *$OPTIONS EXT ; ** D3 version * ** initialize local variables PROMPT '' NULL$ = '' *PORT.NO = OCONV(@USER.NO, 'MCU') ; ** UV version PORT.NO = OCONV(@UDTNO, 'MCU') ; ** UD version *PORT.NO = SYSTEM(22) ; ** D3 version SP1 = ' ' SP2 = ' ' SP3 = ' ' SP4 = ' ' SP5 = ' ' SP10 = SPACE(10) SP20 = SPACE(20) * ** initialize screen variables SCRN.WIDTH = SYSTEM(2) SCRN.LENGTH = SYSTEM(3) - 1 TERM.TYPE = SYSTEM(7) EOS = @(-3) EOL = @(-4) C.BCK = @(-9) C.UP = @(-10) VC.BCK = C.BCK * ** assign continue message CONT.MSG = "Press [Enter] to see more or any other key to quit:" * ** dimension for the maximum number of search strings DIM STRINGS(15), TERMINALS(150) * ** assign other local variables PG.CNT = 0 FIND.CNT = 0 LIST.ID = "FIND.SELECT.LIST_" : PORT.NO FILE.LIST = NULL$ ITEM.LIST = NULL$ * QUIT.AND.PROCESS = 0 ; ** quit display & process * ** Read 'TCL' sentence *TCL.LINE = @COMMAND ; ** UV version TCL.LINE = @SENTENCE ; ** UD version *TCLREAD TCL.LINE ; ** D3 version * OPTIONS = OCONV(FIELD(TCL.LINE, '(', 2), 'MCU') TCL.LINE = TRIM(FIELD(TCL.LINE, '(', 1)) * ** Access help if desired BEGIN CASE CASE INDEX(TCL.LINE, ' HELP ', 1) ; GOTO DISPLAY.HELP CASE TCL.LINE[LEN(TCL.LINE)-4,5] = ' HELP' ; GOTO DISPLAY.HELP CASE INDEX(TCL.LINE, '?' , 1) ; GOTO DISPLAY.HELP CASE FIELD(TCL.LINE, SP1 , 2) = NULL$ ; GOTO DISPLAY.HELP END CASE * ** Process file information FNAME = FIELD(TCL.LINE, ' ', 2) IF OCONV(FNAME, 'MCU') = 'DICT' THEN DSW = 'DICT' FNAME = FIELD(TCL.LINE, ' ', 3) END ELSE DSW = '' END * ** Validate options IF INDEX(OPTIONS, 'I', 1) THEN FIND.ITEM = 1 OPTIONS = 'I' END ELSE FIND.ITEM = 0 END IF INDEX(OPTIONS, 'A', 1) THEN [[CaseMatters]] = 1 ELSE [[CaseMatters]] = 0 IF INDEX(OPTIONS, 'C', 1) THEN COL.DISP = 1 ELSE COL.DISP = 0 IF INDEX(OPTIONS, 'F', 1) THEN FIRST.ITEM = 1 ELSE FIRST.ITEM = 0 IF INDEX(OPTIONS, 'S', 1) THEN SUPP.DISP = 1 ELSE SUPP.DISP = 0 IF INDEX(OPTIONS, 'T', 1) THEN TRIM.ITEM = 1 ELSE TRIM.ITEM = 0 IF INDEX(OPTIONS, 'X', 1) THEN HEX.SEARCH = 1 ELSE HEX.SEARCH = 0 * ** Get column display start column IF COL.DISP THEN [[ColStart]] = OCONV(OPTIONS, 'MCN') END ELSE [[ColStart]] = 15 * ** Build item list (if '*' files then build file list). * READLIST ITEM.LINE ELSE ITEM.LINE = NULL$ ; ** UV version * ITEM.LINE = NULL$ ; ** D3[[/UD]] version IF SYSTEM(11) THEN ; ** D3[[/UD]] version LOOP ; ** D3[[/UD]] version READNEXT ID ELSE EXIT ; ** D3[[/UD]] version ITEM.LINE<-1> = ID ; ** D3[[/UD]] version REPEAT ; ** D3[[/UD]] version END ; ** D3[[/UD]] version * ** Build file list to parse through FILE.LINE = NULL$ ; ** initialize file names to search * ** no active list so let`s build one IF FNAME = '*' THEN IF ITEM.LINE = NULL$ THEN EXECUTE \SELECT MD WITH D[[/CODE]] = "D]""F"\ CAPTURING OUTPUT IF SYSTEM(11) THEN LOOP READNEXT ID ELSE EXIT IF FILE.LINE NE NULL$ THEN FILE.LINE = ID : @AM : FILE.LINE END ELSE FILE.LINE = ID REPEAT END END ELSE * ** use the item list previously built as the file list FILE.LINE = ITEM.LINE END ITEM.LINE = NULL$ ; ** default to search through ALL items END ELSE FILE.LINE = FNAME * ** Open files ** another 'Open' statement occurs later as each selected file is opened OPEN 'PERIPHERALS' TO PERIPHERALS ELSE STOP 201, 'PERIPHERALS' OPEN 'SAVEDLISTS' TO SAVEDLISTS ELSE STOP 201, 'SAVEDLISTS' * ** Read terminal characteristics [[TermId]] = 'CCRT_' : OCONV(TERM.TYPE, 'MCU') MATREAD TERMINALS FROM PERIPHERALS, [[TermId]] ELSE MAT TERMINALS = NULL$ END * ** extract video attributes HI = TERMINALS(12) HO = TERMINALS(13) FORE.COLOR1 = TERMINALS(104) IF FORE.COLOR1 NE NULL$ THEN HI = FORE.COLOR1 END V.HI = HI V.HO = HO * ** Build appropriate file list *SELECTV FILE.LINE TO FILE.LIST ; ** UV version SELECT FILE.LINE TO FILE.LIST ; ** D3[[/UD]] version * ** Enter string(s) to search for INPUTCLEAR * ITEMNUM = 0 *IF NOT(FIND.ITEM) THEN LOOP CRT "Enter a string to search for: ": INPUT STRING UNTIL STRING = NULL$ OR ITEMNUM = 15 DO ITEMNUM = ITEMNUM + 1 IF HEX.SEARCH THEN STRING = CHAR(XTD(STRING)) END IF NOT([[CaseMatters]]) THEN STRING = OCONV(STRING, 'MCU') ; ** case doesn't matter END STRINGS(ITEMNUM) = STRING REPEAT IF ITEMNUM = 0 THEN STOP *END CRT * **-------------------------------------------------------------------** ** ** ** S T A R T P R O G R A M R U N ** ** ** **-------------------------------------------------------------------** * LN.CNT = 0 ; ** #of lines printed on a page - count SELECT.IDS = NULL$ ; ** list of items found LOOP READNEXT FILENAME FROM FILE.LIST ELSE EXIT * ** open appropriate file to search OPEN DSW, FILENAME TO F.NAME THEN CRT V.HI : "File: " : FILENAME : V.HO GOSUB CHECK.PAGE ; ** page-stop test routine IF QUIT.AND.PROCESS THEN GOTO EDIT.LIST END ELSE CRT V.HI : "File: " : FILENAME : " does not exist!" : V.HO GOSUB CHECK.PAGE ; ** page-stop test routine IF QUIT.AND.PROCESS THEN GOTO EDIT.LIST GOTO END.OF.LOOP1 ; ** skip further processing & loop again END EDIT.PATH = TRIM(DSW : SP1 : FILENAME) ** build item list to search IF ITEM.LINE = NULL$ THEN * SELECTV F.NAME TO ITEM.LIST ; ** UV version SELECT F.NAME TO ITEM.LIST ; ** D3[[/UD]] version END ELSE * SELECTV ITEM.LINE TO ITEM.LIST ; ** UV version SELECT ITEM.LINE TO ITEM.LIST ; ** D3[[/UD]] version END ** select file & search for desired string CNT = 0 LOOP READNEXT ID FROM ITEM.LIST ELSE EXIT READ REC FROM F.NAME, ID THEN IF NOT(FIND.ITEM) THEN REC = ID : @AM : REC ; ** include the item id END ELSE REC = ID ; ** we're only searching the Ids END HREC = REC ; ** keep 2 copies of record IF NOT([[CaseMatters]]) THEN REC = OCONV(REC, 'MCU') ; ** case doesn't matter END FOR J = 1 TO ITEMNUM IF TRIM.ITEM THEN REC = TRIM(REC) IF INDEX(REC, STRINGS(J), 1) THEN IF FNAME = '*' THEN SELECT.IDS<-1> = EDIT.PATH : SP1 : ID END ELSE SELECT.IDS<-1> = ID END FIND.CNT += 1 ** display matches IF NOT(SUPP.DISP) THEN REC = TRIM(REC) HREC = TRIM(HREC) JJ.HIGH = COUNT(REC, STRINGS(J)) FOR JJ = 1 TO JJ.HIGH COL.S = INDEX(REC, STRINGS(J), JJ) IF JJ = 1 THEN CRT FIND.CNT "L(#4)" : IF SCRN.WIDTH < 132 THEN CRT ID "L(#20)": END ELSE CRT ID "L(#30)": END ELSE CRT SP20:SP4: IF SCRN.WIDTH GE 132 THEN CRT SP10: END START.POS = COL.S - [[ColStart]] START.LEN = [[ColStart]] IF START.POS LE 0 THEN START.LEN = 14 + START.POS START.POS = 1 END [[DispMask]] = "R(#" : [[ColStart]]-2 : ")" DISP.LINE = ":" : HREC[START.POS,START.LEN] [[DispMask]] DISP.LINE := HREC[COL.S,999] o[[DispLine]] = OCONV(CONVERT(@AM:@VM:@SVM, '^]\', DISP.LINE), 'MCP') ; ** U2 version * o[[DispLine]] = OCONV(CONVERT(DISP.LINE, @AM:@VM:@SVM, '^]\'), 'MCP') ; ** D3 version IF SCRN.WIDTH < 132 THEN CRT o[[DispLine]] "L(#54)" END ELSE CRT o[[DispLine]] "L(#96)" END GOSUB CHECK.PAGE ; ** page-stop test routine IF QUIT.AND.PROCESS THEN GOTO EDIT.LIST IF FIRST.ITEM THEN EXIT NEXT JJ END ELSE IF MOD(FIND.CNT, 10) = 1 THEN CRT '.': END END NEXT J END *************** END.OF.LOOP2: *************** REPEAT *************** END.OF.LOOP1: *************** IF SUPP.DISP THEN CRT ; ** drop a line REPEAT ** Edit list once selected * *************** EDIT.LIST: *************** * IF SELECT.IDS NE NULL$ THEN IF FIND.ITEM THEN CRT DCOUNT(SELECT.IDS , @AM) : " items selected." EDIT.CMD = 'U ' CRT V.HI : "EDIT item(s) selected (#[[/Yes/No/LineEditor/Quit]]) ?" : CRT V.HO : "N" : C.BCK : INPUT EDIT EDIT = TRIM(OCONV(EDIT , 'MCU')) NUMB = TRIM(OCONV(EDIT , 'MCN')) IF EDIT = '' THEN EDIT = 'N' BEGIN CASE CASE EDIT[1,1] = 'Q' ; GOTO END.OF.PROGRAM CASE EDIT[1,1] = 'X' ; GOTO END.OF.PROGRAM CASE EDIT[1,1] = 'Y' ; EDIT = 0 CASE EDIT[1,1] = 'N' ; EDIT = -1 CASE EDIT[1,1] = 'L' EDIT.CMD = 'ED ' IF NUMB THEN EDIT = NUMB ELSE EDIT = 0 CASE NUMB ; EDIT = NUMB CASE 1 ; EDIT = -1 END CASE ** Edit select list FIND.CNT = DCOUNT(SELECT.IDS , @AM) CRT FIND.CNT : " items found" IF EDIT GE 0 THEN IF EDIT > 0 THEN IF EDIT > FIND.CNT THEN EDIT = FIND.CNT FIND.CNT = EDIT END ELSE EDIT = 1 YN = 'Y' ; ** initialize prompt variable FOR X = EDIT TO FIND.CNT NEW.ITEM = SELECT.IDS<X> IF FNAME = '*' THEN CRT "Editing.. " : EDIT.PATH : SP1 : NEW.ITEM EXECUTE EDIT.CMD : NEW.ITEM END ELSE CRT "Editing.. " : EDIT.PATH : SP1 : NEW.ITEM EXECUTE EDIT.CMD : EDIT.PATH : SP1 : NEW.ITEM END IF X = FIND.CNT THEN CRT "End of selected items." ; EXIT CRT V.HI:"Continue editing (Yes[[/No/Back/Quit]]) ?":V.HO:YN:C.BCK: H.YN = YN INPUT YN,1 YN = OCONV(YN,'MCU')[1,1] IF YN = 'Q' OR YN = 'X' THEN GOTO END.OF.PROGRAM IF YN = NULL$ THEN YN = H.YN IF YN = 'N' THEN EXIT IF YN NE 'E' THEN EDIT.CMD = 'U ' ELSE EDIT.CMD = 'ED ' IF YN = '-' OR YN = 'B' THEN X = X - 2 IF X < 0 THEN X = 0 * CONTINUE END NEXT X END ELSE INPUTCLEAR CRT CRT V.HI : "Do you wish to ACTIVATE this List (Y[[/N]]) ?" : CRT V.HO : "N" : C.BCK : INPUT YN,1 ; YN = OCONV(YN , 'MCU') CRT C.UP : EOL : IF YN = 'Y' THEN FORMLIST SELECT.IDS TO 0 ; ** UD version EXECUTE \SAVE-LIST \ : LIST.ID CAPTURING OUTPUT ; ** UD version CHAIN \GET-LIST \ : LIST.ID ; ** UD version * WRITE SELECT.IDS ON SAVEDLISTS, LIST.ID ; ** D3 version * CHAIN \QSELECT SAVEDLISTS \ : LIST.ID ; ** D3 version END END GOSUB CLEAR.SELECT END ELSE CRT "No items found" GOTO END.OF.PROGRAM * **---------------------------------------------------------------** ** ** ** S U B R O U T I N E S ** ** ** **---------------------------------------------------------------** * ** Check page for stopping and prompting to continue *************** CHECK.PAGE: *************** * LN.CNT += 1 IF LN.CNT = SCRN.LENGTH THEN INPUTCLEAR LN.CNT = 1 PG.CNT += 1 QUIT.AND.PROCESS = 0 CRT V.HI:"Page ":V.HO:PG.CNT:V.HI:". Press [":V.HO:"Enter":V.HI: CRT "] to continue, [":V.HO:"P":V.HI:"] to stop & Process,": CRT " or [":V.HO:"Q":V.HI:"] to Quit:":V.HO: INPUT ZZ,1 ZZ = OCONV(ZZ,'MCU')[1,1] IF ZZ = 'E' THEN GOTO SELECT.ABORT IF ZZ = 'Q' THEN GOTO SELECT.ABORT IF ZZ = 'S' THEN GOTO SELECT.ABORT IF ZZ = 'X' THEN GOTO SELECT.ABORT IF ZZ = 'P' THEN QUIT.AND.PROCESS = 1 END ELSE ** display file on top of new page CRT V.HI : "File: " : FILENAME : V.HO END END RETURN * ** Clear select list & pointer file item *************** CLEAR.SELECT: *************** * CLEARSELECT RETURN * ** Help display *************** DISPLAY.HELP: *************** * CRT CRT "This utility will find a string of characters within any record in the file" CRT "specified. You will be prompted to enter a string to search for. You can" CRT "edit the items directly or select the items into a select-list. If an '*'" CRT "is used instead of '[[FileName]]' then all files are searched, or if there is" CRT "an [[ActiveList]] the selected items are searched." CRT CRT "Syntax:" CRT " BFIND [[FileName]]{[*]} {(options} (same syntax with a [[SelectList]])" CRT CRT " * options:" CRT " A - c[A]se does matter in the search" CRT " C - set the [C]ol# to start the match on (enter numeric)" CRT " F - display only the [F]irst match then goto next item" CRT " I - only look for matching [I]temId's" CRT " S - [S]uppress the display of the matching lines" CRT " T - [T]rim each item of redundant spaces before comparing" CRT " X - search for a he[X]adecimal character(s)" CRT CRT 'Example: SSELECT VOC = "[BP]"' CRT " xx ITEMS SELECTED" CRT " : BFIND * (S" CRT " Enter a string to search for: ON ACCPAY" CRT CRT CONT.MSG : INPUT ZZ,1 IF ZZ = NULL$ THEN CRT C.UP : EOL CRT "Unless the '(S' option is used matching lines will be displayed with the" CRT "search-string lined up starting in column 15 of the displayed output. Once" CRT "the search process completes you'll be asked:" CRT CRT " EDIT item(s) selected (#[[/Yes/No/LineEditor/Quit]]) ?" CRT CRT "You should answer with the line# you wish to edit, [Y] to edit all items" CRT "that match, [L] to edit all matching items with the Line-Editor, or [Q] to" CRT "quit processing. If you edit the items they are edited one at a time and" CRT "you have the option to stop editing items any time. The next question is:" CRT CRT " Do you wish to ACTIVATE this list (Y[[/N]]) ?" CRT CRT "This allows you to activate a select-list of the matching items. This will" CRT "search all files with a 'BP' in it's name looking for the string 'ON ACCPAY'." CRT "This is a general search for any program that writes to the ACCPAY file!" CRT CRT "Note: if the 's' option is used, the 'f' option is overridden! Also, if the" CRT " 'i' option is used, all other options are negated!" END GOTO END.OF.PROGRAM * **----------------------------------------------------------------** ** ** ** E N D O F P R O G R A M ** ** ** **----------------------------------------------------------------** * ** Clear select list and stop program *************** SELECT.ABORT: *************** * GOSUB CLEAR.SELECT * *************** END.OF.PROGRAM: *************** * END