jBASE is a Database Management System comprising development tools, middleware and a multi-dimensional database. jBASE takes the best points of the relational database model and adds to it several significant benefits including ease of use, superb performance, small footprint and all the rich MultiValue features, making it ideally suited to all business uses from the Internet to OLAP to transactional applications. The architecture is uniquely designed to allow all and any application development tools and backend databases to form part of a jBASE solution. jBC compiler generates "C" code for platforms, excellent support for external databases like Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 etc.
Current Features
- 64-bit database
- Native to the Operating System - No Virtual Machine
- Thread Safe
- Compiled jQL
- Choice of Development Language
- Java support
- Microsoft support
- Resilient and Automatically Resizable File System
- Data at Rest Encryption (DREM)
- SQL support
- JDBC and ODBC Connectors
- Database independence
- Platform independence
- Full support for Windows, Linux and Unix
- Superior Transaction Journaling
- Connectivity
- Internationalization
- Future proof
In 2015, <a href="http://www.zumasys.com/admin/zumasys-acquires-jbase-database/">Zumasys announced it had acquired the jBASE database</a> from Temenos. For more information, visit the jBASE website at <a href="http://www.jbase.com">http://www.jbase.com</a>