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This is a function to correctly URLEncode a string.
I wrote this when I was posting data into a SQL database using XML datagrams (very useful). The posted data had to be URL encoded and this was what I came up with.
Because the data I was dealing with was only printable ascii < char(128) I have encoded only this range + uv delimiters for speed.

function URLEncode(string)

   *// perform standard URL encoding for UV ascii.
   *// sboydell 17-Dec-2004

   *// deffun URLEncode(string) [calling *URLEncode]
   *// encodedString = URLEncode(unencodedString)

   *// Only alphanumerics [0-9a-zA-Z], the special characters $-_.+!*'(), 
   *// and reserved characters used for their reserved purposes may be 
   *// used unencoded within a URL.

   *// ranges of ascii codes of all characters to be encoded
   *// 0-31 	ASCII Control Characters 	These characters are not printable 	Unsafe
   *// 32-47 	Reserved Characters 	' '!?#$%&'()*+,-./ 	Unsafe
   *// 48-57 	ASCII Characters and Numbers 	0-9 	Safe
   *// 58-64 	Reserved Characters 	:;<=>?@ 	Unsafe
   *// 65-90 	ASCII Characters 	A-Z 	Safe
   *// 91-96 	Reserved Characters 	[\]^_` 	Unsafe
   *// 97-122 	ASCII Characters 	a-z 	Safe
   *// 123-126 	Reserved Characters 	{|}~ 	Unsafe
   *// 127 	Control Characters 	' ' 	Unsafe
   *// 128-255 	Non-ASCII Characters 	' ' 	Unsafe
   equ E.COMMA       to ',',
       E.PERCENT     to '%',
       E.MAXRANGE    to 9,
       E.ASCII.CODES to '37,37,32,36,38,44,47,47,58,64,91,94,96,96,123,128,250,255'

   *// define pairs of ranges to encode

   for i = 1 to E.MAXRANGE
      for j = ENCODE.RANGE(i,1) to ENCODE.RANGE(i,2)
         string = change(string,char(j),E.PERCENT:dtx(j,2))
      next j
   next i

