BasicSource: Difference between revisions

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IanMcGowan (talk | contribs)
IanMcGowan (talk | contribs)
Add link to FLAVA utility (soon to be a SUBR)
Line 49: Line 49:
*[[Find.Inode]] - A utility to locate filename of inode, using Pick Basic.
*[[Find.Inode]] - A utility to locate filename of inode, using Pick Basic.
*[[FindUnusedAtt]] - A utility to find the null attributes in a file.  So you can USE them!
*[[FindUnusedAtt]] - A utility to find the null attributes in a file.  So you can USE them!
*[[FLAVA]] - A (hopefully) portable routine to figure out the flavour of Pick
* [[GET.REMOTE.IP]] - D3[[/Linux]] source to obtain IP address of client.
* [[GET.REMOTE.IP]] - D3[[/Linux]] source to obtain IP address of client.
*[[GetFileInfo]] - A wrapper around the O[[/S]] fstat command, or a [[PerlVersionOfFstat]].  Returns information about a unix file in a convenient format.
*[[GetFileInfo]] - A wrapper around the O[[/S]] fstat command, or a [[PerlVersionOfFstat]].  Returns information about a unix file in a convenient format.

Latest revision as of 17:16, 12 September 2019


General Notes

  • General format HintsAndTips
  • Put <PRE> around code sections to turn off wiki formatting for that section
  • Watch out for trailing "\" at the end of a line - even within a <PRE> block it appears to smush lines together

Discussions about Basic programming

General Utilities (Alphabetically)

  • AMVdefine_AE - Alternate Editor utility to define associated multivalues for amvedit
  • AMVedit_AE - Alternate Editor utility to edit associated multivalues
  • ASORT - Sorts Associated Multivalues
  • BarCode128 - Print a 128 barcode in BASIC
  • BFormat - A utility to format basic code
  • BFind - A utility to find strings in selected file(s).
  • BPTest - A utility to run BASIC code from the command line
  • BROWSE.FOR.FILE - Subroutine which allows user to move up and down through DOS tree and pick a file, from Universe code
  • Build.Inode.Xref - Builds the INODE.XREF file, run once in each account
  • CallHTTP - sample code for CallHTTP
  • CallHTTPWithSSL - an attempt to retrieve a simple web page over HTTPS using CallHTTP and SSL
  • CAM_AE - Alternate Editor utility to convert PICK.VARIABLES to Camelcase
  • Chead - "See header" QM utility to show information about compiled code.
  • Checksum - Program to calculate the checksum of a given file item. It uses the original R83 method of doing so.
  • Compare - To see the changes in two records - usually program code.
  • ConvCase - To convert the case of items (usually programs)
  • Cruise - Display entire contents of records, using DICT entries for labels and conversions
  • CSEQ - To see part of a large directory file (useful for checking .csv files)
  • CSV2ARRAY - Function to convert a CSV to a dynamic array (also can change columns to attributes)
  • CSV2FIELDS - Another subroutine to convert a CSV string to a dynamic array
  • CTRLFIC - To periodically check the Unidata files in level 1 overflow (from a list or just for given file) or level 2 using Unidata "guide" and "checkover" commands.
  • DateUtility - utility to do various date conversions such as ISO8601 and RFC1123
  • DumpSqlLdr - Dump fields to flat file for import into Oracle using sql*ldr
  • DumpRecall - Dump a query to excel or other formats
  • EM - A utility to enable editing of multiple MVdatabase records or individual ones in client-server Emacs in X(-windows).
  • ENCRYPT64 - sample code using Universe's ENCRYPT function.
  • Dynamic Array Sort Sort a multivalued dynamic array
  • FieldInput - Generalised Input subroutine that handles various types of input in a somewhat intelligent manner. EG passwords, dates, time, patterns, lists, and so on. Using this can reduce your source code size quite a lot.
  • FileInfo - UniVerse utility to show information about a file using FILEINFO()
  • FileStatus - UniVerse utility to show information about a file using STATUS
  • Find.Inode - A utility to locate filename of inode, using Pick Basic.
  • FindUnusedAtt - A utility to find the null attributes in a file. So you can USE them!
  • FLAVA - A (hopefully) portable routine to figure out the flavour of Pick
  • GET.REMOTE.IP - D3/Linux source to obtain IP address of client.
  • GetFileInfo - A wrapper around the O/S fstat command, or a PerlVersionOfFstat. Returns information about a unix file in a convenient format.
  • GetKey - Acts like keycode() in QM - returns a single character for any key pressed.
  • GetLineStack - An input subroutine that allows editing with the arrow keys. Works with vt100 and wyse50.
  • GetNameList - PICK BASIC program to build list of names based on either EXACT or SOUNDEX principles. Uses '*' and '...' for first name likeness.
  • GetOsInfo - UD program to get the O/S information (date/time/size/privileges) for items in a DIR type file
  • Getptr - UniVerse version of GETPTR function in UniData
  • HeapSort - Two routines to create a heap then return items from the heap in sorted order
  • HelpForUniverse - Displays like the Unidata help because the Universe one splodges the screen when at the console in NT.
  • HMAC - Sample Unidata / Universe Basic code to produce an HMAC-MD5 hash
  • HollDump - Does a Hollerith (fixed column) style dump from a UV file into &HOLD&
  • HollLoad - Reads a fixed-width file from &HOLD& into a UV file - and can handle multivalue fields.
  • InputWait - Duplicates in Universe the INPUT...WAITING functionality available in Unidata
  • IsoWeekNum - returns the ISO week number on being given an external format date
  • KLIST - Utility for listing records in files with formatted m/vs and s/vs + date conversion with selection/search
  • LFormat - A utility to print source code with line-up bars.
  • LineEDitor - A version of UniData's AE with embedded full page editor, change and search history/redo capability, and lots of other good stuff.
  • List.Path.Readu - Basic program to list.readu with pathnames instead.
  • LOOP-ON - Replacement on Universe for the R83 verb LOOP-ON
  • MAC_AE - Alternate Editor utility to convert Camelcase to PICK.VARIABLES
  • MakeDict - Program to allow command line dictionary creation - works for UniVerse and QM
  • MakeXml - Generates XML using standard dictionaries, particularly I-types. It will also generate DTD, XSD, and XSL definitions. Started in UniData, mostly done in UniVerse, and has also been done in QM from Ladybridge.
  • MD5Hash - Sample Unidata / Universe Basic code to produce an MD5 hash
  • MenuProgram - A simple menu interpreter
  • ParseXML - Sample Unidata / Universe Basic code to parse an XML text file
  • - Example code of building a HTML table in Pick and then launching it through Accuterm
  • Pivot - Quickly view totals and counts when looking at a new file
  • PrePass - Duplicates the $DEFINE $IFDEF compiler stuff that Universe and Unidata have
  • ProgramToListAlgorithms - Program to list algorithms that are stored in &PARTFILES&, VOC, and the parts themselves.
  • Purge.Bad.Chars - Remove chars from 0 to 31, and 128 to 250 from a user-supplied file
  • QM.Sort.Item - Subroutine to use new QM SORT() mechanism to sort associated multivalues
  • QuickSort - uniVerse BASIC implementation of the quick sort algorithm
  • Resize.Stats - Checks all processes on system (HPUX 11.0 & Universe9.6) for resize activity and displays progress and estimated completions. Great for determining when phantoms are expected to finish.
  • ReturnSourceCode - Reads the GLOBAL.CATDIR opcode item on Universe, and extracts the source path off it's end
  • Row2Col - transpose a variable's "rows" (fields) into "columns" (values), and back again.
  • Row2Col II - An alternative version to transpose an array
  • SBProcessSearch - Search for a string in SB+ process file with a simple list output.
  • SCI.XLS.RECALL - Dump a flat delimited file (produced with TO DELIM perhaps) to SpreadsheetML XML format
  • SCI.XLSX.RECALL - Dump a flat delimited file to Open XML native Excel XLSX format
  • Shell sort - a sort that uses Donald Shell's algorithm
  • ShowLocks - Universe utility to show locks by name (requires up to date STAT.FILE)
  • Sudoku - To play a sudoku game
  • StarDate - a function for converting from timestamp to stardate
  • SvnWrapper - Wrapper for Linux 'svn' command for UniVerse; with 'release' format support.
  • TclStack - a TCL stacker/development environment. Works better with GetLineStack, but not required.
  • TCL.II - pre-processes @sentence, parsing TCL.II components for you to handle later
  • Trace - A utility that allows you to trace from a Proc to a Verb to a Basic program, interactive.
  • TreeTraversal - Finding the ultimate parent or all children of a particular node
  • Try - Another utility to run BASIC code from the command line.
  • UdtOra - A program to call a perl script to run sql statements and parse the resultset
  • UdtService - A program that is a phantom service to spawn other Udt phantoms
  • URLEncode - A function to URL encode any text.
  • UV.EM - A utility based upon UV.VI that works with Emacs (see also Emacs Lisp code page).
  • WLISTU - Allows sorting the LISTU output by Date by Time, or also by PID
  • XML Output Utility - Extract an Unidata file in XML format using or not dictionary, with criteria of selection or not.

Special Purpose Utilities

  • uuidgen - Unibasic wrapper around python UUID module.
  • uvcron - C program to allow cron to execute Universe jobs.
  • InfoLease utilities, programs of interest only to customers of (maybe :-)
  • Datatel utilities, specific to users of Datatel's Benefactor and Colleague apps
  • CedarvilleDownload, DOWNLOAD is a utility that creates extracts from U2 in a variety of formats

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